Ministerial Code of Ethics


In 1944, a ministerial Code Of Ethics for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was published by the Division of Homeland Ministries. That Code was developed over a period of several years through the efforts of a widely diverse church-wide committee. It was reviewed and refined as dozens of ministers’ associations and fellowships and hundreds of individuals responded to the committee’s request for evaluation of the document.

A General church committee has periodically reviewed the Code Of Ethics. Occasionally, editorial changes have been made. The General Commission on Ministry and its predecessor, the General Board Task Force on Ministry, have worked over the past several years with Homeland Ministries, now Disciples Home Missions, to update the Code Of Ethics. Proposed changes have been reviewed by regional commissions on ministry as well as by many individuals.

The revised Code Of Ethics maintains much of the language of the original; the principles that guide ministry remain the same from generation to generation. This Ministerial Code Of Ethics has withstood the test of time and is commended to be read and followed by all ministers as a high code of professional conduct.

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