
The world’s attention is on Israel/Palestine, and particularly on Gaza. However, our Palestinian partners remind us that the history of crisis in Gaza did not begin on Oct. 7, 2023. It is a history that goes much deeper. Hear from the Global Ministries Global Relations Minister for the Middle East and Europe, Dr. Peter Makari, on Saturday, September 14, to learn more about this history, explore the context of the current crisis, and hear about how the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has responded.

The Children Worship & Wonder Workshop will focus on the who, what, where why & how of the program. It will point out the benefits for children & parents. Pastor Linda invites current and/or past storytellers to share their experiences and those who would like to learn more to attend this workshop and find out how your congregation can enhance its ministry with children.

Special One Day Clergy Retreat

There will be a Special Clergy Retreat, for Active Clergypersons in the Indiana Region. (Active Commissioned, and Ordained). This event will be held at Geist Christian Church (Mud Creek) Campus. The date is Friday, October 11th from 11- 5pm

Cost per minister is 35$ ( Program and Meal) Please use the link to register and pay at HERE

  Deadline to register is October 1, 2024


Companion Workshop

There will be a workshop and conversation especially for laity, congregants, and leadership within our congregations- on the topic of the Church’s response during an election year! Dr. Bill Kincaid will lead this workshop on ZOOM, and it is happening on Wednesday, September 11th from 6-8pm (EST) Please pass this information to the members of your congregation, and friends wishing to have conversation around the church’s response during an election year. Please register HERE 

Healthy Boundaries Training, Presented by LeaderWise
Date: Saturday September 28, 2024
Cost: $100
Location: Online Event

Each session is from 9:30 am- 3:30 p.m. Zoom link and information will be provided prior to the event.

registration is now open.

Use the hyperlink above or click here


“Beloved, I pray that all may go well wit you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul” 3 John 1:2 NRSVUE

Don’t miss out on this event to connect with women from around the Indiana Region and to hear a word from Rev. Angéle  Saunders Johnson, the Executive Director of Disciples Women Ministries!

Rev. Angéle Saunders Johnson began serving as the Executive Director of Disciples Women in August 2021. As an ordained Minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), she brings experience, passion, and expertise to this role. Rev. Johnson served as the Minister of Discipleship and Outreach for Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee. Her prior experience includes faith-based community organizing, executive pastoral leadership, and Serving as Director of Christian Education for New Covenant Christian Church in Nashville, Tennessee. (Rev. Johnson also went to seminary with our very own Rev. Cheryl Russell!)


Event Details:

Saturday, April 29, 2023

First Christian Church
16377 Herriman Blvd.
Noblesville, IN 46060

10 a.m.–3 p.m.

Cost: $50 $40 includes lunch

Childcare is available

Due to an issue in our registration system, there will be a $10 discount on the Spring Women’s Event being held on Saturday, April 29, until the issue is resolved. So don’t wait to register! Register here, when you get to the payment page, choose “pay later.” You can pay at the event by cash, check, or online by credit card. Questions or need helping getting registered? Email Krista Hunter (

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