About Standing
Each year the Commission on Ministry of the Indiana Region has the privilege of affirming the ministry of Disciples pastors in the state of Indiana through the certification of their ministerial standing. This process is authorized and governed by the “Policies and Criteria for the Order of Ministry” of our church.
In Indiana, the Ministry Team on Standing, under the auspices of the Commission on Ministry, conducts this annual review. Those who were certified are given:
- voting privileges at General and Regional Assemblies,
- access to the Search and Call Process,
- access to scholarships and emergency assistance funds,
- recognition by civil authorities such as the IRS, County Clerks, and jail visitation officers.
Standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) recognizes that as an ordained minister, you have membership in a Disciples congregation and you are currently engaged in the practice of ministry and are accountable to a congregation or other church institution, or are engaged in Search and Call, or that you are retired.
If you have submitted a Standing Request Form and have not received your standing card, please contact Candace Boyd Simmons at candace@indianadisciples.org or at 317-926-6051.
2022 Standing Request Forms
STANDING FORM 2022_Retired Inactive